Carrier’s Infinity® Air Purifier

Carrier’s Infinity® Air Purifier

Having a healthy home matters more than ever before. Through testing at the University of Colorado Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, Carrier’s Infinity® Air Purifier has been recognized to capture & inactivate 99% of the human novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) trapped in your air filters.

This information is supported by other third-party testing, which confirmed that this system also inactivates other viruses and diseases: the common cold virus surrogate, Streptococcus pyogenes, and human influenza.

How Does It Work?

The Infinity® Air Purifier is your whole-home air cleaner solution. The system works quietly together with your home’s heating and cooling system. It may also be installed with any Carrier® or Bryant® gas furnace or fan coil. In addition to that, most homeowners find that their filters last up to six to nine months.

The Infinity® uses three steps to clean your HVAC system’s air:

  1. Charge – creates an electrical cloud that attaches itself to the airborne dust, pollen, viruses, germs and any other additional particles.
  2. Capture – These particles break apart toward an opposite charged, pleated filter and captures airborne microbes at an extremely high rate.
  3. Inactivate – The captured airborne microbes stay on the filter rather than recirculating into your home.

While the Carrier’s Infinity® Air Purifier is just one of the many Carrier Healthy Homes’ products, Argent Heating & Cooling offers a range of systems that can help improve your overall health at home. Contact us at (703) 281-6300 for more information or fill out our form and we will reach out to you as soon as possible.