Categories: HVAC

by Rachel Helft


Categories: HVAC

by Rachel Helft


Thermostat Installation Washington DC Metro Area

Home comfort technology has progressed in the past several years to the extent that upgrading your home’s outdated systems can deliver savings on multiple fronts. For instance, a home thermostat installation can furnish programmable settings and remote functionality, revolutionizing your system’s efficiency and use. However, reaping these benefits requires you to go through some simple steps: determining your HVAC system’s type, examining thermostat options, considering programming capabilities, and more.

Washington, DC, Metro area homeowners can turn to Argent Heating & Cooling for guidance in all indoor comfort matters. Our team offers comprehensive home technology services, including planned maintenance options. We have served the region for 30+ years and received wonderful customer feedback in that time. To learn more about our offerings and online specials, call (703) 281-6300 or visit our website today!

Below, we discuss how you can identify the best thermostat for your home:

Determine Your Home’s HVAC System Type

To start narrowing down your thermostat options, you must establish your home HVAC system’s type. The most common kinds of HVAC systems include:

  • Heating and Cooling Split Systems
    The most common variety, this system comprises a heating and a cooling component. These units involve indoor and outdoor elements as well as ductwork; they are also referred to as “central AC and heating.”
  • Hybrid Split System
    A heating system that can be powered by gas or electricity, though it still requires ductwork as well as indoor and outdoor components. Hybrid split systems work well in areas that experience frequent climate shifts. They also offer more effective heating capacity than other systems.
  • Heating & Air Conditioning Packages
    Packaged systems combine heating and cooling components into a single, bulky unit, though the units—and their accompanying ductwork—require suitable space.
  • Ductless AC – Mini-Split System
    As its name implies, ductless systems entail no ductwork but instead use multiple indoor units to control the temperature of distinct areas.
  • Heat Pump System
    Distinct from heat pump units, heat pump systems use energy sources besides gas and electricity—usually air, water, and ground heat—to adjust indoor temperatures. Ducted air-source heat pumps are analogous to classic split (or central) systems, differing only in their power source. Ductless air-source heat pumps function as mini-split systems—individual units warm and cool different zones. Geothermal and absorption heat pumps are centralized systems that use other energy sources.

All mini-split AC and heat pump units have a built-in thermostat that controls its functioning, so buyers must settle for the supplied option. However, homeowners with centralized systems can have any thermostat type they prefer installed.

Research and Select a Thermostat Type

Thermostat Installation Washington DC Metro Area

After determining your HVAC system’s type, explore and consider thermostat options. Now, thermostat “types” could fall into a few metrics, but we’ll consider two: basic functioning and programmability.


Current thermostats are either mechanical or digital. Mechanical thermostats are the traditional option and usually come with a dial or lever to adjust the temperature produced. They are cost-effective and easy to use but offer limited customization and control. Furthermore, they can seem relatively slow to affect indoor temperatures.

Digital thermostats are the “modern” option, often complete with touchscreens and numerous settings for temperature control. They are programmable and can create customized conditions—such as preset temperatures—indoors. While they have a higher initial cost than mechanical models, digital thermostats offer greater efficiency and flexibility to users.


The advent of digital thermostats sparked a wave of programmable options. Non-programmable mechanical and digital models remain readily available—they offer simple temperature adjustment through a straightforward interface. Yet this means all adjustments must occur manually.

Programmable thermostats allow for pre-set temperature adjustments. Different models offer  time frame settings so that you can set conditions a day or a week in advance. These tweaks can help you save significant money on energy bills. They are, of course, more expensive than non-programmable options but make up for it in energy efficiency.

Finally, smart thermostats offer all the perks of programmable models plus the integrations of other smart technologies. For instance, they can connect to home Wi-Fi and allow homeowners to adjust settings from afar. Some offer voice control options so that you can simply command the system from across a room. Other models can learn users’ preferences and adjust temperatures accordingly. These capabilities help your HVAC system remain ship-shape for years and save you money in repair costs.

Contact Professionals to Install Your Thermostat

Of course, all the utilities and benefits of programmable and smart thermostat systems require proper installation and maintenance from reputable service providers. Professionals can ensure you have a functioning system and help you find the best option for your home. After installation, sign up for Argent’s planned maintenance program so our technicians can watch out for signs of thermostat malfunction.

The Washington, DC, Metro Area’s Premier Thermostat Installation Team!

Home comfort technology has made indoor climate control as easy as a voice command or flick of a switch. Nevertheless, turn to a reliable thermostat installation team: Argent Heating & Cooling. Our technicians serve homeowners throughout the Washington, DC, Metro area with expertise and outstanding customer service. Schedule your service appointment today by calling (703) 281-6300 or visiting our website!


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