Categories: HVAC

by Rachel Helft


Categories: HVAC

by Rachel Helft


Given all the sources of pollution outside, it may shock people that the air inside their homes can be unhealthier than outside. Even well-ventilated homes may struggle with mold, burning fuel, smoke, bacteria, and more. Yet we cannot simply quit indoors—so how can we combat the poor air quality? A professional indoor air evaluation offers a practical starting point as it allows you to determine the conditions within your home. From there, simple preventative maintenance and lifestyle adjustments can boost your home’s air quality and protect your family.

Washington, DC, Metro area homeowners can turn to Argent Heating & Cooling for all indoor air-quality needs. A value-added service company, Argent has provided HVAC and other indoor comfort services throughout the region for 30+ years. Our team is committed to delivering outstanding products with excellent customer service at reasonable rates. You can schedule a service call today at (703) 281-6300 or through our website.

Below, we outline some suggestions on how you can improve your home’s indoor air quality:


Replace Air Filters Monthly

All central air systems and window units have an air filter to remove common pollutants—dust, pollen, and particulate matter—while they cycle indoor air. Yet these filters have a finite lifespan, and once they fill up with contaminants, the filters can no longer clean the circulating air.

Therefore, our team recommends changing filters monthly. You can purchase filters at any hardware store or call Argent technicians to bring some to your home and swap out old ones. Either way, new air filters will increase HVAC system efficiency and improve indoor air quality. Homeowners might also swap out filters in their vacuum cleaners, dryers, and cooking vents for an extra air quality boost.


Schedule Routine Maintenance

Taking full advantage of Argent’s planned maintenance services ensures HVAC system hang-ups are caught and corrected before they become significant problems. We recommend homeowners schedule maintenance once every season so expert technicians can check for mechanical and electrical issues. They can also clean, tighten, and replace components during these inspections.


Use Cooking Vents

Despite the fact every home has them, kitchen appliances—such as gas stoves and electric burners—emit pollutants that reduce indoor air quality. However, switching on a cooking vent over your stove’s range or opening a nearby window can combat this effect. Circulating air helps remove the carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide appliances release.

Clean Rugs and Carpets Weekly













Although we may not think of them as such, rugs and carpets act as large air filters in that their fibers trap dust and other particles. Motion over those fibers then recirculates the contaminants into the air. Therefore, cleaning rugs and carpets removes those pollutants and helps your indoor air remain clean. They can continue removing dust and particles, too.


Place Indoor Plants Around Your Home

As a final touch in your efforts to improve indoor air, incorporate plants throughout your home. Natural air filters, plants absorb contaminants and release oxygen in small quantities. Indeed, ferns and lilies—which bloom indoors—as well as palm trees can thrive inside a home.


Indoor Air Evaluations Now Available in the Washington, DC, Metro Area!

While no one-size-fits-all solution can fix all air quality issues, an indoor air evaluation offers an ideal starting place. Washington, DC, Metro area homeowners can rely on Argent Heating & Cooling for this and other services, which our team has provided for 30+ years. Previous clients attest to the quality of our work and knowledge of our team. So, enjoy the benefits of cleaner home air by calling (703) 281-6300 or visiting our website today!


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