by Rachel Helft
by Rachel Helft
Every year, more than 100,000 people visit the emergency room due to accidental carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning. However, these exposure illnesses and fatalities are entirely preventable through careful handling of fuel-burning appliances and a reliable carbon monoxide detector. Schedule routine carbon monoxide detector maintenance to ensure the health and safety of you and your loved ones.
For 30+ years, Argent Heating & Cooling has provided industry-leading HVAC and indoor comfort services to the Washington, DC, Metro area. Our team delivers exceptional installation, repair, and maintenance services with efficiency and attention to detail. Moreover, we’re committed to providing transparent, reasonable rates and outstanding customer service. Call us at (703) 281-6300 to schedule a CO detector installation or maintenance appointment.
Below, we discuss the importance of a carbon monoxide alarm:
Dangers of Carbon Monoxide
Carbon monoxide is an odorless, colorless gas that becomes lethal at high exposure levels. This silent killer can enter homes through engines, stoves, grills, furnaces, and other indoor fuel-burning appliances. Prolonged exposure to carbon monoxide fumes results in CO poisoning, characterized by flu-like symptoms, including:
- Headaches
- Dizziness
- Stomach aches
- Chest pain
- Confusion
That said, not all CO poisoning victims are symptomatic. Moreover, individuals who are asleep or unaware during a CO leak may be unknowingly exposed to deadly doses. To protect yourself and your loved ones from CO poisoning, ventilate fuel-burning appliances and hire a professional to install a dependable CO detector.
How CO Detectors Work
Humans cannot see, taste, or smell carbon monoxide; however, CO detectors employ an electrochemical process to measure the gas concentration in the air. These detectors come equipped with sensors that quantify the amount of CO in parts per million (PPM). If the device identifies hazardous levels of CO, the alarm is activated. The higher the concentration of CO, the faster the alarm should sound.
Like other sensors, CO detectors include an LED light that indicates the unit’s operation status. Keep a CO detector maintenance checklist to ensure your device continues working correctly. Further, schedule regular maintenance and prompt CO detector repair with a seasoned professional.
Types of CO Detector
There are a variety of CO detectors available, each tailored to different household needs and budgets. Some standard devices include:
- Battery-operated: Basic units that operate on replaceable batteries and a technician can install with screws.
- Hardwired: Detectors that connect to a home’s electrical grid, though have battery backups in case of power outages.
- Digital: Alarms that include a digital screen so homeowners can actively monitor CO levels in the air.
- Smart: Devices that connect to a home’s wireless network so CO levels can be remotely monitored.
To choose the right CO detector for your home and ensure proper installation, consult a CO detector service. Argent Heating & Cooling can provide guidance and expertise to help you select and set up the right device for your Washington, DC, Metro area home.
What to Do When a CO Detector Alerts
When you hear your carbon monoxide detector alarm, prepare to leave the house swiftly and calmly. Take everyone, including pets, out of the house with you and bring a cell phone if possible. Once outside, check all family members for possible symptoms of CO poisoning. Call emergency services to alert them of the emergency and if any family members are showing health issues.
Upon arrival, emergency personnel will evaluate your home for possible CO leaks. Conduct routine CO detector maintenance to prevent your CO detector from producing false alarms or failing to alert.
Professional Carbon Monoxide Detector Maintenance in the Washington, DC, Metro Area
Proper CO detector maintenance and installation are critical to keep your loved ones safe. Argent Heating & Cooling takes pride in our reliable carbon monoxide detector maintenance services in the Washington, DC, Metro area. Call (703) 281-6300 today to schedule a maintenance appointment for you, your family, and your home.
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