Air Cleaners vs. Air Purifiers

Air Cleaners vs. Air Purifiers

Americans spend an average of 90% of their life indoors, making quality indoor air a necessity. Yet achieving healthy air is increasingly challenging due to an elevated level of harmful pollutants. Professionals can provide you with the best air purifiers or air cleaners that improve indoor air quality by filtering such pollutants. While air cleaners and purifiers offer similar benefits, their differences lie in how they operate. Let’s discuss the differences between the two so you can decide which is best for your home.

Everyone deserves to live and breathe comfortably in their own home. Argent Heating & Cooling delivers reliable indoor air quality services to Washington, DC, Metro area homeowners. With 30+ years of experience, our trusted technicians provide you with the best solution to keep your home safe and comfortable. For more information on our indoor air quality services, call (703) 281-6300 today!

Below, we discuss how air purifiers and cleaners improve indoor safety and comfort:

Signs of Poor Air Quality 

Quality air is essential for day-to-day comfort and long-term health. If your home feels stuffy and uncomfortable, or you notice any of the signs below, it’s likely your air is polluted and a professional indoor air quality evaluation is required. Poor indoor air quality presents itself through a host of unpleasant symptoms, including: 

  • Excess humidity
  • High energy bills
  • Mold and mildew growth
  • Health complications

The Benefits of Air Purifiers and Cleaners 

Air Purification, Washington DC, Metro Area

Among the symptoms of poor air quality, serious health complications can be the most devastating for homeowners. Routine exposure to contaminants may increase the risk of common illnesses, trigger asthma attacks, and lead to lasting respiratory diseases. 

Additionally, poor air quality exacerbates allergy symptoms, hence why many homeowners invest in an air purifier for allergies. Air purifiers and cleaners improve indoor air quality and mitigate resulting health effects by filtering pollutants such as:

  • Pollen
  • Dust 
  • Mold 
  • Tobacco smoke 
  • Pet dander 

How Do Air Cleaners Work?

Air cleaners improve air quality by pushing it through impurity-removing filters. These devices are installed directly into your HVAC system, allowing immediate cleaning of air flowing through your ducts. Furthermore, air cleaners embedded in the system increase the longevity of the HVAC system by protecting it from dust and debris buildup.

How Do Air Purifiers Work?

Conversely, air purifiers aren’t installed directly into the HVAC system and utilize a UV light to clean indoor air. The wavelength of the UV light deactivates harmful microorganisms, which improves air quality and reduces adverse health effects. In short, air cleaners trap impurities, whereas purifiers disarm them.

Professional Air Purifier Installation in the Washington, DC, Metro Area!

Homeowners in the Washington, DC, Metro area can rely on Argent Heating & Cooling for all indoor air quality needs. Our dedicated team delivers proper air quality solutions such as air purifier installation, filtration, and more. Additionally, we provide free, no-obligation indoor air quality evaluations. To learn more about how we can improve your indoor air quality, call us at (703) 281-6300 today!