by Rachel Helft
by Rachel Helft
At the height of summer, a broken air conditioning unit is the worst-case scenario. Sweltering heat can turn your comfortable home into a sauna and leave you scrambling to cool the indoor temperature. Nevertheless, you can use a few methods to beat the heat while waiting for air conditioning repair from a certified HVAC technician.
For 30+ years, Argent Heating & Cooling has provided the Washington, DC, Metro area with AC unit installation, repair, and replacement services. Our team of professionals has garnered glowing customer reviews, and our efficient processes ensure your unit will be up and running in no time. For more information on our services, call (703) 281-6300.
Below, we explore how to avoid overheating when your air conditioner breaks:
Turn on Fans
While fans may seem like an obvious solution to overheating, you can maximize their cooling effects by employing a few hacks. For instance, most ceiling fans spin clockwise, which directs rising hot air back onto the people below them. Yet the recirculation of hot air does little good when your AC is out. So, check your ceiling fan for a switch to change the blades’ direction (it’s usually on the fan’s base). Blades that spin counterclockwise pull the cool air up and disperse a refreshing breeze throughout the room.
Additionally, if you need to add more cold air to a room, try a small table fan and a few bowls of ice. Position the ice before the fan; as it melts, the fan blows out chilled air.
Lower the Blinds
Although you may usually appreciate sunlight streaming through your windows, reduce it as much as possible when your AC is out. Even through closed windows, the sun will heat your home throughout the day. Indeed, about 76% of the sunlight that comes through windows turns into heat. Close windows and draw curtains to keep sunlight and hot air out.
Although sitting in the dark may not be ideal, you’ll enjoy cooler temperatures until an HVAC repair specialist can attend to your system.
Cool Down with Cold Water
You can always resort to simple methods if the indoor heat makes you uncomfortable. Start by taking a cold shower and wearing light, breathable clothes to stay comfortable. Also, apply cool towels and washcloths to your wrists, chest, and temples. Create a stock of these cooling towels by moistening and placing them in the freezer (keep a few on rotation to switch out as they melt).
Although you may like to refresh yourself by opening your freezer, doing so can spoil frozen food and create a hefty electric bill. Argent can help you save on air conditioning repair costs, so don’t negate that by leaving your freezer open.
Avoid Heat-Generating Appliances 
Ovens and stoves heat your home’s interior. Standing over a hot stove can make you sweat, but you’ll also feel that heat throughout your house. Moreover, depending on the size of your home, dryers and dishwashers may have a similar effect. So, opt for cold cuts, salads, fruit, and popsicles instead of cooking when your AC breaks. If you need to get out of the house, use the opportunity to pick up take-out. Avoiding your stovetop and other heated appliances can significantly impact room temperature.
Call Argent Heating & Cooling for Emergency Air Conditioning Repair in the Washington, DC, Metro Area!
Washington, DC, Metro area homeowners can turn to Argent Heating & Cooling to keep their units running smoothly and avoid emergency air conditioning repair. Our exceptional HVAC services include seasonal maintenance, quality repairs, installations, and more. In the case of an outage and for all things HVAC, call (703) 281-6300 today!
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